Tuesday June 2, 2015
46 degrees w/18 mph winds…cloudy and some drizzle

The waves are still coming in from the east, strong and majestic!  The sounds can be heard all the way up here at the top.  As I type this, I can see them out the living room window.
Waves around Cobble Stone beach

Our friend Ken, who is a past president and who is still very involved with the F.O.S.I.L called and will be here with several other men tomorrow as the Wednesday Warriors!
Still trying to get a photo of what we see with these waves

Today was still cold, gray, windy and wet day here on the island so we worked in the museum, cleaning the wood floor…it looks so good.  The clouds were slowly dissipating and the sun was trying to shine some this afternoon.  But no sunset to see.

Tomorrow Ethan will meet us down in the cove at 7am.  Larry and I took our containers for food and our water jugs down to the Donkey house to be ready to take into town.  We’ve gone over our list and think we will have a fairly easy day. 
Headed down to cove
No laundry stop and only a couple of items needed at Rodgers (hardware store) and then the grocery store.  Thinking we will get to do a little site seeing.
A closeup of the rails for the tram
Looking towards the north from the cove

Historical Facts
Seguin is the 2nd oldest lighthouse in Maine and the highest elevation in Maine at 186 feet above sea level.
1907 – the light changed so that it vaporized the oil and a mantle was used instead of wicks.
Just some of the bushes around the island
Generators were later used to produce electricity, around 1961 is when electricity was brought to the island under water.  That is why it is so important “not to” anchor in the cove.  Don’t want anyone pulling up the electric lines!
Looks like some kind of fern, very tiny and fragile looking
I think this is a crab apple tree blooms, so beautiful

My History
I put a photo of my mother in my/our kitchen today.  It is taken sometime in the summer of 1961. This photo shows the table where we have the fridge, the stove where we have a chest of drawers….we keep the silverware, baggies/foil and
Momma in our kitchen here on Seguin
the kitchen towels.  The sink is probably in the same place and where we have our stove is probably where they had the fridge.  Momma said she love that stove!  It cooked three different ways: Propane/Wood/Coal.
Same kitchen...I put the photo about where she was setting

So in honor of the kitchen stove, even though its not the same one, I made monster cookies: chocolate chip with oatmeal, crasins and nuts.  Usually it has the little mini M&M’s and coconut, but Larry wouldn’t run/swim over to the local market for me.  Thought the Wednesday Warriors might enjoy a cookie.
Monster Cookies for the Wednesday Warriors